18 mars 2011

Arab Uprisings Cast Harsh Light on C.I.A. Relationships / Les relations douteuses de la CIA avec les dictatures


Les soulèvements populaires dans le monde arabe pourraient-ils être l'occasion de mettre un frein aux relations entre les services secrets américains et les dictatures... Il est, en effet, pour le moins gênant de voir - par exemple - la plus grande démocratie du monde empêtrée dans un programme d'échanges de prisonniers avec les pires "voyous politiques" de la planète. En s'appuyant sur des régimes autoritaires, l'Occident, en plus de se déshonorer, donne aux extrémistes un puissant instrument de propagande (dont ils se servent d'ailleurs habilement). 
A-t-on bien calculer l'intérêt de l'Occident en aidant tous ces dictateurs à se maintenir ?

11 mars 2011

Nouvelle fatwa contre les poulets Doux, KFC, Carrefour et assimilés


Une controverse est en train de se développer sur le "faux" halal fabriqué en France et exporté dans le monde arabe, notamment en Arabie Saoudite. L'article de Al Kanz cite une fatwa qui n'est pas aussi sévère que le titre du texte le laisse entendre mais qui, par contre, n'est pas sans rappeler les prouesses des anciens savants scolastiques.

Nouvelle fatwa contre les poulets Doux, KFC, Carrefour et assimil�s

Websites for Counter-Terrorism Research / Liens sur le contre-terrorisme


Dans le premier numéro du 5e volume de Perspectives on Terrorism se trouve une compilation commenté des principaux sites web sur le terrorisme et le contre-terrorisme. Voici le résumé de l'article :

"Since 9/11 the field of (Counter-) Terrorism Studies has expanded exponentially. With the simultaneous expansion of  Internet-based resources, it has become almost impossible to maintain an overview of the field – the more so  as a variety of sub-fields have emerged, dealing with specific aspects of the phenomenon of terrorism. Any researcher dealing with (counter-)terrorism issues on a regular basis would be aided by a guide of web links directing him or her to areas relevant for particular research needs. However, since the knowledge requirements of researchers differ, there can be no universal list that satisfies  all.[1]  The following short list is admittedly subjective, serving my individual research needs. They are all from Open Sources. I have grouped them in 15 fairly general categories; much more specialised categories could be selected. By visiting these sites and exploring what is available on each of them, the reader might get further ideas as to where to look to satisfy his or her specific needs. Most of these websites have their own list of additional web resources which can also be very useful. In the following, I will introduce each category with some explanatory notes."

Excellent outil de travail pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent au sujet.

7 mars 2011

Kadhafi au Journal du Dimanche


Kadhafi soutient qu’il y avait des cellules dormantes d’Al-Qaïda en Lybie et qu’elles ont fait surface lors de la révolution de jasmin. Les membres de ces cellules dormantes ont d’après lui donnés des pilules halucinogènes aux jeunes libyens. Ces derniers ont pris goût à ces pilules. Les terroristes ont également attaqués les casernes et les postes de polices pour s’emparer des armes et les distribués aux jeunes qu'ils ont drogués... C’est ce qui se serait passé à Benghazi et Al-Baida notamment. «Les leaders de ces cellules venaient d’Irak, d’Afghanistan ou même d’Algérie. Certains ont été relâchés de la prison de Guantanamo. » 

C'est pourquoi Khadafi prétend combattre le terrorisme en Lybie. Il prétend ne pas s'en prendre à son peuple mais aux membres des cellules terroristes d'Al-Quaïda. S'il y a eu des victimes civiles, ce uniquement à titre de dommages collatéraux, comme pour les Occidentaux en Irak ou en Afghanistan. 

Il met en garde l’Europe contre l’immigration de milliers de gens et l’installation de Ben Laden chez lui si jamais il tombait :

« Le régime ici, en Libye, va bien. Il est stable. Je veux bien me faire comprendre: si on menace, si on déstabilise, on ira à la confusion, à Ben Laden, à des groupuscules armés. Voilà ce qui va arriver. Vous aurez l’immigration, des milliers de gens qui iront envahir l’Europe depuis la Libye. Et il n’y aura plus personne pour les arrêter. Ben Laden viendra s’installer en Afrique du Nord et laissera le mollah Omar en Afghanistan et au Pakistan. Vous aurez Ben Laden à vos portes. [...] En Tunisie et en Égypte il y a un vide politique. Les islamistes peuvent déjà entrer par là. Il y aura un djihad islamique en face de vous, en Méditerranée. Ils attaqueront la 6e flotte américaine, il y a aura des actes de piraterie ici, à vos portes, à 50 km de vos frontières. Les gens de Ben Laden viendront imposer des rançons sur terre, et sur mer. On reviendra au temps de Barberousse, des pirates, des Ottomans qui imposaient des rançons sur les bateaux. Ce sera vraiment une crise mondiale et une catastrophe pour tout le monde. Cette catastrophe va s’étendre du Pakistan, de l’Afghanistan, et viendra jusqu’en Afrique du Nord. » 

5 mars 2011

Yemeni Cleric's Online Jihad Continues / Al-Awlaki toujours diffusé par YouTube


Les vidéos d'Al-Awlaki prônant le jihad contre les États-Unis et où il affirme, par exemple, que les citoyens américains sont des cibles d'attaques légitimes sont toujours disponibles sur YouTube.

4 mars 2011

Popular Movements and the Role of al-Qaeda / Al-Qaida et les soulèvements populaires


Jamestown Foundation Special Commentary - 3 March 2011

Dans ce texte de Murad Batal al-Shishani il apparaît assez clairement que les mouvements sociaux à l'oeuvre actuellement dans le monde arabe sont à la fois une bénédiction et une interrogation pour les leaders du jihad. L'auteur cite, par exemple, Ayman al-Zawahiri et d'autres idéologues pour montrer comment la ruine des régimes qui assuraient la stabilité (autrement dit, selon eux, la continuité de l'emprise de l'Occident) est une bonne chose de leur point de vue. Mais, il montre aussi comment les valeurs et les comportements de la jeunesse qui a renversé ces mêmes régimes sont différents de leur valeurs et de leur comportements.

Il y a cependant encore plusieurs points d'ombres. La confusion qui règne sur le terrain ne permet pas encore de juger de la validité de la conclusion principale de l'auteur. Celle-ci consiste dire que les craintes d'une reprise en main par les islamistes est un mythe puisque la jeunesse éduqué de la classe moyenne qui a menée la "révolution" ne peut pas s'y laisser prendre. À suivre.

Popular Movements in the Middle East and the Role of al-Qaeda

In light of recent developments in the Arab political scene, Salafi-jihadists have been notably absent from the major uprisings taking place namely the "Jasmine Revolution" in Tunisia, the "Lotus Revolution" in Egypt, and even the ongoing Libyan uprising. After scrutinizing jihadist web forums, most discussions regarding Egypt and Tunisia seem to react to events without taking credit for them, a common practice for jihadists who usually place al-Qaeda and Salafi-jihadists trademarks on them. Furthermore the “official” reaction from al-Qaeda leaders has been late in coming. The organization’s second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri spoke, although a bit late, about the turmoil in Egypt. Al-Qaeda rhetoric promoting violent jihad, seems to have had very little affect among young Arabs and Muslims in Cairo and other Arab streets. Peaceful political activism proved, so far, to be more effective than al-Qaeda-style actions.

Al-Zawahiri and the Trust of the New Arab Street

The Salafi-jihadist movement has in fact delivered messages in several forms regarding the developments in the Arab world. Most significantly was a massage from al-Zawahiri who has released, so far, three parts of his message to the Egyptian people entitled “Part Three: Message of Hope and Good Tidings to Our People in Egypt". Al-Zawahiri reflected in his message, particularly in the second part, al-Qaeda’s opinion concerning the new inclination among Arab youth towards peaceful political activism instead of the al-Qaeda-style way of change i.e. violent jihad.

Al-Zawahiri, aiming to present the “soft and political” face of al-Qaeda, warned against expansion by using the “al-Tatarrus” concept (literally shielding) meaning that being Muslims among kaffer enemies should not keep jihadists from attacking them, despite possible “collateral” Muslims casualties. Many al-Qaeda attacks were in fact justified using this concept, including the September 11 attacks. Al-Zawahiri followed by stating that:

"[...] there are some operations that are truly or falsely attributed to the mujahidin targeting Muslims in mosques, markets other gathering spots. Regardless of the truth or falsity of these operations being attributed to the mujahidin, I and my brothers in al-Qaeda strongly condemn these attacks whether committed by the mujahdin or by others [...] Sheikh Osama [Bin Laden] -may Allah protect him- delegated me to emphasize the [importance] of this matter. Hence I advise every mujahid to plan his operation very keenly to avoid injuring anyone who should not be hurt, [according to Islam] whether he is a Muslim or a non Muslim […] and to use all caution in [using] al-Tatarrus".

Most studies pointed to the “killing of civilians” as a major issue that prompted al-Qaeda to lose ground and standing in the Muslim world, which makes al-Zawahiri’s remarks significant. His statement shows that al-Qaeda is losing its recruitment ability among the Arab youth, which prompted him to focus on certain issues in his message such as the legitimacy of killing civilians.

Attempts to promote this strategy were also stated in a booklet entitled “The Popular Revolution and the Fall of the Corrupt Arab System” written by Aīahllah Abū ‘Abd ar-Rahman (nom de guerre), a jihadist whose writings have been recommended by al-Zawahiri. Abd ar-Rahman has asked jihadists in Egypt to deal softly with the public, to avoid “intellectual confrontations”, and to focus on treating people politely. In doing so, al-Qaeda is seeking to gain the trust of the new Arab street. However, al-Qaeda literature remains in the “pre-Arab-revolutions” era, focused on the importance and priority of jihad against the West, and the United States in particular, while portraying them as occupiers and looters of Muslims world. This ideology reflects typical jihadist thought, it also shows how al-Qaeda is banking on the failure of the West in supporting the popular movements in Arab world.       

Jihad Against the West

Abu Munther Shanqiti, whose name suggests that he is Mauritanian, has recently emerged as an influential jihadist ideologue. Apart from describing him as "a member of the Sharia’a Committee" of the Minbar al-Tawhid w al-Jihad website belonging to well-known jihadist scholar Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, there is not much information about al-Shanqiti.  However his writings, letters, and fatwas suggest that he is an ideologue who is gaining influence. He issued a fatwa calling for the killing of Christian pastors in Egypt, after a series of bombings last December against Copts in Alexandria, Egypt. He has also authored a long letter, entitled “al-Intsar ll-Sujana’a al-Abrar fi Fitnat al-Hiwar” (Advocating the righteous prisoners in affliction of dialogue), which was addressed to the Mauritanian authorities as “a dialogue between the government and the armed groups in the prisons” (http://www.tawhed.ws/a?a=shanqeet).

Furthermore, most of al-Shanqiti’s writings focus on Egypt. He has recently written several letters tackling the Egyptian protests in addition to Tunisia’s revolution.  However in one of his letters entitled "the revolution against Mubarak," he rejected the calls against taking part in the demonstrations against the Egyptian regime. This letter was expanded by al-Shanqiti, in response to a question about developments in Egypt and republished under the title "What is the rule of participation in the revolution in Egypt now?”
Al-Shaniqiti’s letter on Egypt explains how jihadists should react to the developments in Egypt and shows which opportunities could emerge for al-Qaeda and other affiliated jihadists in light of Hosni Mubarak’s fall from power.

Al-Shanqiti concedes from the beginning the failure of jihadists to bring down the Egyptian regime: "We must acknowledge that removing the ruling regime in Egypt is a matter that could not be done [even] by the largest jihadist organizations, so if these demonstrators succeed in toppling it, it will be a great victory for Islam and Muslims (Brynjar Lia, Jihadis Debate Egypt (1) + (2), http://www.jihadica.com, February 4). He deemed it a victory because the West, and the United States in particular, relied on the Egyptian regime to implement their policies in the Middle East. “If the Egyptian regime fell, Allah willing, the West will lose one of its most important agents in the region [… while] the Americans will have to deal in different ways with the peoples of the region...and if the Egyptian regime fell, Allah willing, perhaps several other Arab regimes will follow”.

While al-Shanqiti predicted that "the fall of Egypt" would be similar to the September 11 attacks in terms of scale, he also pointed out the necessity of a revolution in Egypt for jihadists and his disdain for the Mubarak regime: "if ten or even a hundred of the best Mujahedeen conducted martyrdom operations in order to destroy Mubarak and his regime I would not see anything wrong in that, because of [these operations] would be in the interest of Islam and Muslims and would mean a defeat to the enemies of religion".

The "Myth" of Fearing an Islamist Takeover

Al-Shanqiti in his letter, particularly when speaking about the Egyptian regime’s relations with the West, sought to encourage similar violent behaviour in line with al-Qaeda and other affiliated groups, against the “tyrant regime supported by the infidel West”. Although al-Qaeda is out of the current political scene in Arab world, they do represent at the same time, a political alternative if the revolutionary movements fail in Arab world.

As the demonstrations break out demanding change and political reform in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and throughout the greater Middle East the fear of a "fundamentalist" power grab, has made headlines in the West.  This fear might have already been implemented into Western foreign policy given that several governments including the United States have mistakenly been prioritizing “stability” rather than “democracy”. Former French Foreign minister Michèle Alliot-Marie, who recently resigned, even suggested sending French police units to help Tunisian police forces suppress demonstrators, before her government refused to receive ousted president Zine El Abidine Ben Ali on its territory. If the French had intervened, the protesting youngsters would have seen Salafi-jihadist ideology as the only alternative. The youth which organized and led the demonstrations in Tunisia, and Egypt, as well as other neighboring countries, are for the most part politically unaffiliated; they are middle class, educated, believe in civil liberties, human rights, and are able to communicate through new social media networks like "Twitter" and "Facebook". It was obvious that Islamists were not dominating these protests, which makes any policy aimed to hinder reform, out of fear of Islamists rule, unjustified, and against Western interests.

For instance, when Egyptian authorities cut off the Internet and launched a violent campaign to quell the demonstrations, many protestors called on the U.S. State Department, and President Obama, to pressure the Egyptian government against censorship. If U.S. policy in Egypt had sought to maintain stability at the expense of political reform, the vast majority of Egypt’s otherwise apolitical youth might have felt "betrayed", and could then have viewed the Salafi-jihadists’s argument that the West supports only tyrant regimes as being justified. 

Several studies do reject the correlation between political reform and the rise of Islamist militant groups, but only a few studies reject the correlation between frustration and political violence, thus making democracy the only guarantee against radicalization in the Arab world.

Murad Batal al-Shishani is an Islamic groups and terrorism issues analyst based in London. He is a specialist on Islamic Movements in Chechnya and in the Middle East. He is a regular contributor to several publications in both Arabic and English. He is also author of the book “The Islamic Movement in Chechnya and the Chechen-Russian Conflict 1990-2000”, Amman, 2001 (in Arabic), and "Iraqi Resistance: National Liberation vs. Terrorism: A Quantitative Study," November 2005 Iraqi Studies Series, Issue 5, Gulf Research Center-Dubai.

Suspect in Frankfurt shooting confesses to targeting U.S. military / L'attentat de Francfort visait l'armée américaine


L'attentat qui a causé la mort de deux aviateurs américains à Francfort, Nicolas Alden et Zachary Cuddeback, serait le fait d'un extrémiste musulman. Du moins, c'est la conclusion qu'on l'on peut tirer de l'article de MSNBC : "Suspect in Frankfurt shooting confesses to targeting U.S. military, official says". Il se serait radicalisé récemment auprès du Sheik Abdellatif et de Pierre Vogel. Ce dernier est connu pour s'être converti à l'islam radical en 2001 après une carrière dans la boxe (6-1-0). Il aura peut-être interprété le jihad comme une continuation du pugilat par d'autres moyens. Quant au premier, le Sheik Abellatif, il est connu en Allemagne pour ses tirades contre l'Occident. 

On pourra lire aussi, sur le même sujet, l'article du journal Le Temps.

3 mars 2011

Site du Laboratoire d'étude sur les politiques publiques


Le Laboratoire d'étude sur les politiques publiques (LEPPM) et la mondialisation de l'École nationale d'administration publique vient de lancer un nouveau site où l'on peut consulter l'ensemble de ses publications. Il s'agit, par exemples, de rapports évolutifs qui analysent l'impact de la mondialisation sur différents aspects de la société québécoise. L'accent est mis sur les politiques publiques. On peut trouver aussi des fiches de lectures sur les mêmes thèmes que les rapports évolutifs.

Le site proposent aussi l'accès à des cahiers de recherches plus étoffés que les rapports évolutifs. "L'objectif [de ces cahiers] est d'exposer plus en profondeur une problématique particulière (examen de politiques, réflexion prospective, analyses conceptuelles, etc.)."

D'autres rubriques présentent d'autres informations utiles aux citoyens et aux chercheurs que les impacts de la mondialisation sur le Québec intéressent.

Les informations sont regroupés autour de six grands thèmes : la culture, l'économie, l'environnement, l'éducation, la santé et la sécurité. À sujet, on pourra lire des rapports sur les réseaux de coopération policière internationale à l'ère de la mondialisation, les enjeux sécuritaires et les grands événements politiques internationaux, la cybercriminalité et le cybersécurité, l'arme biologique et ses vecteurs, les menaces asymétriques et les initiatives du Québec en matière de lutte contre la criminalité transfrontalière ainsi que les menaces asymétriques et le Québec, pour ne citer que quelques exemples.

Le site du LEPPM est une mine de renseignements et d'analyses en français, facilement accessible et présentée avec beaucoup de rigueur.

ENAP - Bienvenue sur le nouveau site du LEPPM!

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