14 décembre 2014

Les gagnants et les perdants de la chute du prix du pétrole


Ralph Peters de Fox News propose un classement des victimes, des bénéficiaires et des dommages collatéraux de la baisse du prix du pétrole orchestré par l'Arabie Saoudite.

Les principales victimes sont l'Iran et la Russie.

"If oil prices remain low through next year, the effect on rogue governments, from the Russian Federation to Venezuela, will go from damaging to devastating.
But Western economies (and China’s) stand to benefit, with cheap oil possibly tickling Europe’s snoozing markets awake. Even most underdeveloped states will get a welcome break.
This price plunge has been driven by Saudi Arabia, OPEC’s dominant power. While it’s true that part of Riyadh’s actions respond to the energy renaissance in North America, the greater motivation is breaking Iran’s will.
The Saudis believe they can no longer rely on the US to contain Tehran’s imminent nuclear threat, so they’re out to do what our lukewarm sanctions couldn’t.
There’s no love lost between the Saudis and the Russians, either. The Saudis want the Assad regime in Syria to go. Moscow props it up."

Les États-Unis sont favorisés et parmi les victimes collatérales se trouvent principalement le Vénézuela.

Saudi Arabia’s oil war against Iran and Russia | New York Post:

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