5 janvier 2012

What is MITx?


La prestigieuse MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) lance un programme en ligne d'études prometteur. Il va combiné un volet destiné aux étudiants sur le campus et un autre aux étudiants hors campus et, même, une ouverture vers tous les étudiants du monde ! Il s'agit, en effet, d'une véritable unité d'enseignement ouverte que veut créer le MIT.

L'institution pourra émettre des certifications mais de manière autonome (il ne s'agira pas de diplômes du MIT). Toutes les disciplines pourraient être couvertes.

Le projet est piloté par le "provost" L. Rafael Reif et sera lancé dès le printemps 2012.

"MIT’s online learning initiative is led by MIT Provost L. Rafael Reif, and its development will be coupled with an MIT-wide research initiative on online teaching and learning under his leadership.

“Students worldwide are increasingly supplementing their classroom education with a variety of online tools,” Reif said. “Many members of the MIT faculty have been experimenting with integrating online tools into the campus education. We will facilitate those efforts, many of which will lead to novel learning technologies that offer the best possible online educational experience to non-residential learners. Both parts of this new initiative are extremely important to the future of high-quality, affordable, accessible education.”

Offering interactive MIT courses online to learners around the world builds upon MIT’s OpenCourseWare, a free online publication of nearly all of MIT’s undergraduate and graduate course materials. Now in its 10th year, OpenCourseWare includes nearly 2,100 MIT courses and has been used by more than 100 million people

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